The Lucky Number 77
1. I hate fish, sweet foods or drinks, coffee, waiting, and small house lizard (yuck!)
2. I have lot of phobias (Acro-phobia, Pteromerhano-phobia, Altophobia, Aviatophobia, Claustro-phobia, Glosso-phobia, Aphenphosmphobia, Astrapophobia, Dishabiliophobia, Herpetophobia, Bacilliophobia/Microphobia and Ichthyophobia)
3. I like spicy foods, salty foods, colouring my hair, watching (not to eat it) giant rainbow lollipop, and reading books (except romantic novel)
4. When I’m sad, angry and gloomy, I have lot of inspiration, but when I’m very happy, I lack of inspiration.
5. Very addicted to serial killer stuffs and adoring eyes.
6. I have 4 sisters, can you imagine how chaos that!?
7. Prefer being a fashion designer than being a model
1. Kansairetro
2. Tokyo and Seoul Dreams
3. Two Wonder Girls
4. Fashionable Road
5. Fashion to fashion
6. Studdmuffin
7. Molto Fashion