Born This Way and Proud Of It

By Tria Zaluska , In ,

Thanks for your lovely comment for my older post; I really appreciate your advice and it would be my reference to be better. But it’s me, I’m weird and quirky. Always put something awkward for my personal taste.

By the way, for you who asked which one the dress I made it by myself, this is one of my creations. This transparent dress (not really transparent I think Hahaha!) I made it by my self.

And you know that I’ve changed my hair to black (accidentally!), I’m quite bored when my dad calls me Ginger hehe! . I think in this picture I look older than my age haha!

Don't Make Me Waiting

By Tria Zaluska , In ,

I really hate waiting, so this is my nerdy face looks like when I’ve should stuck in that moment, hahaha! I really love my new maxi skirt from nikicio! I love the fabric and the detail cut. Sorry for not presenting in good photos, coz I was really in the rush hour. I captured it when I have time.

Three days from now I will back to my parents’ house in Jakarta. Yippy! I miss my mom and my little sister so much! Even though it’s just only one month I didn’t see them, hehe!

(my silly smiley face :P)

I want to give special award for (drum rolling):
All swamped in flowers

Because this is very lovely blog and so inspiring me, Izzy who has this blog has really great taste of fashion, uhm, I mean great art of fashion! Just visit her blog and you will know what I mean.

And don’t forget to join my giveaway

My giveaway are open wide for International reader. Feel free to join my dear!

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